Jenni Davidssons blogg

Vardags funderingar, tips, dagbok, tankar.

It's been 9 month's

Publicerad 2018-10-20 02:36:07 i Allmänt,

Nine months since I was terrified of going on that 8 hour flight to Toronto for the 10hour flight that would take me to Hawaii, where my journey began. 

I will never forget how terrified I was a year ago of going on that trip, how terrified I was the night before of leaving the place I love most in this world, my home in Ramlösa. 
The night before I left I took pictures, of it all, the morning before me and my dad drove to Copenhagen airport I went out for a last smoke on the stairs. That morning there was snow on the ground and as I left for the airport I was looking out through the windows of my dad's van, on the beautiful landscapes of Skåne covered in a white duvet. I played my list "oldies but goldies" as we drove. While at the airport I eventually said goodbye to my dad and as I hugged him I tried not to cry - cus we don't do that. I called my mom as soon as I had seen the lady of him, cus I was so scared and needed her comfort. As I had went through the airport security and found the smoking area I called one of my best friends for more comfort, wondering what the hell I was getting myself into.

While at the plane I cried, when we took of I played the songs "This will be(an everlasting love)" and "I want you back" trying to keep my mood up, knowing I wouldn't see my family and friends for 13 weeks.

Eventually I got know the guy in the seat in front of me, he was also Swedish, this was just before we landed in Toronto, he helped me with filling out the standard forms and helped me at the airport, eventually I lost him and I was alone again. I had to talk to a guy that asked me about why I was visiting America and eventually sent me to "the office", I was terrified that they wouldn't let me in. After another 40 minutes of waiting I got to talk to a guy that wondered was I was gonna do in america for so long. I told him that I was gonna study English and he said "but your English is flawless" and I was so scared basically terrified thst they would think I was a bad person or something. Eventually he said "oh you wanna talk like me?" and I said "yes".

With only a few minutes til my flight I stood in the line of boarding, crying, calling my aunt on messenger, I was tired and miserable, wondering what the hell I was gonna do in the country that was so sceptical of tourist. 

On my next flight they didn't have video on demand and it was a ten hour flight! 
I was listening to music, trying to sleep a little bit, more of that trying to sleep for ten whole hours, it was dreadful, especially knowing that there was basically only water underneath us.

After what felt like an eternity I eventually landed in Honolulu, humidity hit me and I had to look for people in hawaiian shirts taking me to my host family. Yeah, that you... It's not a myth that people wear hawaiian shirts in Hawaii. I took my big suitcases and eventually found them, I asked them to call my host family (cus according to my information form EF they should). At that moment all I wanted was to sit down and cry while smoking. On the other side of the earth, with jetlag and thousands miles away of what felt like normal. This was going to be my home for six weeks, six whole weeks.

I got to my host family, the house was in area that was evrything other than Hawaii for me, but in my room a girl just as scared as I was, was sleeping, she woke up and she was so kind. I realized I'm not alone and as I went outside to finally have my smoke - after 20 hours without it - I called home telling them I was there and I was alright, things didn't feel as bad. 

One of the worst day of my life, but little did I know that during this journey to America I would meet so many wonderful people that eventually would lead me to other wonderful things. Like Melissa, and Melissa lead me to meeting Amanda, who became my best friend during that journey. And thanks to her and her going to San Diego(just like me) and her drunk alter ego Susan, I met the love of my life. 

So many miles away from normal, in a world completely different from what I was used to back home, in an environment where I did not act like I do at home. Thanks to that journey that would have been good without him, but only something to look back on - I now have a journey that continues in a different, wonderful way. A journey that wasn't just a trip, it was a journey of life, it was ment to be and nothing will ever be the same it will be better cus now I have grown so much and I have HIM. 

Over and out! 


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