Jenni Davidssons blogg

Vardags funderingar, tips, dagbok, tankar.

The pursuit of happiness

Publicerad 2020-05-24 13:53:21 i Allmänt,

So righr now I'm feeling a lot of inner stress... A LOT.
Could be because of various reasons, but one conclusion i have made is that i feel like I don't have the time to breathe. 
Of course i can breath - no coronavirus, at least what i know. But i keep telling myself "I wish I just had the time to breath". I wish I didn't have to work(who doesn't) and that I had the time to just lay down in a meadow, where there's no disgusting bugs(only pretty ones) and the clouds are Toy Story clouds - that's what I call them. You know the white fluffy clouds with the blue sky background, also the kind of clouds that your imagination decides which shape they take... I wanna lay there and just let my imagination decide on what the clouds look like.
During this time of stress I've noticed and gotten to know myself in a lot of ways. One of them is that  I absolutely love the sky, I thought trees was my thing, but sky's is the new one. Nature in general of course. But the one thing that is consistent(also changes but at the same time stays the same) is the sky. It has basically looked the same since i was little and that's a new nostalgia for me. And yeah, that's all from me, this very drunk evening. 

Over and out 


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